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tags: ctempd chromebook engineering log

Dell Chromebook fan control - Part I: The ec build system

I have an old Dell Chromebook 11 that I rather like and use. It’s pretty good for what it is or at least it was at the time when it came out, I haven’t looked at the market to say whether or not that still hold true; it came with an Intel® Pentium® 3556U CPU and 4G of RAM. However it also came with one massive drawback: an over-zealous fan controller and a small high pitched fan. A common complaint for this laptop is that the fan comes on too early (from 38C on) and quickly ramps up to full speed (46C). This makes the Chromebook needlessly noisy.

Turns out Intel have released a tool for interacting with the Chromium Embedded Controller - ectool. One of the functions that this tool has is controlling the fan speed directly. Now having a terminal open and remembering to set the fan speed higher and lower is a potential solution (or even assigning keyboard shortcuts), but its not very elegant. I know more than once I forgot to up the fan speed whilst outputting high def video on HDMI; this taxes the Chromebook quite a bit and I don’t want it to overheat. So a little daemon to do this is userland would be better.

NB: Doing this in kernel land would be even better still, and having a hardware watchdog that would ramp the fan speed up should there be a lockup would be even better. But right now I cant think of an adequate solution for this, so a userland daemon will have to do. It’s risky if it crashes or the system locks up.

The build system - prerequisites

Before I decide on the language for this project and thus the build system it will use, it’s best to have a look at ectool itself - the way in which its built and written would dictate the path of least resistance for my own project. My first step was cloning ectool-samus-git from the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR), and having a look at how ectool is built on my platform. This also nicely provides me with the list of build tools that I will need. A simple makepgk -s will suffice here.

It’s a pretty straighforward PKGBUILD, we can see that in the build() hook one substitution is needed:

sed -i "s/-Werror /-std=gnu90 /g" Makefile.toolchain

There is a little bug on the next line too, we build using:

make PREFIX=/usr -j5 BOARD=samus

This is fine for 4 core systems, however my desktop has 8 and I would like to use more. If I build this on my chromebook, it only has 2 cores so j5 would actually launch more make processes than is optimal for my system. This parameter is an optimisation and should be left to the users system configuration in /etc/makepkg.conf. I will need to submit a PR or something on this AUR package to fix it…

Building ectool

Build output is inside the build directory and looks something like this:

└── samus
    ├── ec_version.h
    └── util
        ├── cbi-util
        ├── cbi-util.d
        ├── ec_parse_panicinfo
        ├── ec_parse_panicinfo.d
        ├── ec_sb_firmware_update
        ├── ec_sb_firmware_update.d
        ├── ectool
        ├── ectool.d
        ├── ec_uartd
        ├── ec_uartd.d
        ├── export_taskinfo_ro.o
        ├── export_taskinfo_ro.o.d
        ├── export_taskinfo_rw.o
        ├── export_taskinfo_rw.o.d

So ectool is a “util”, interestingly some libraries are also built.

Exploring ec Makefiles

The main files of interest are Makefile.rules and util/ Figuring out whats going on exactly will take you on a fantastic adventure through the whole repo but hopefully I’ll mention enough to provide a guide for quick traversal.

Makefile.rules defines a PHONY utils target. utils-host builds ectool, utils-art gives us the library. Lets look at utils-host first, in Makefile.rules; this depends on host-utils, which will build sources defined by host-srcs:

$(foreach u,$(host-util-bin),$(sort $($(u)-objs:%.o=util/%.c) $(wildcard util/$(u).c)))

This foreach loop is interesting, it hides some magic in the sort block. Sort just takes a space separated list so we are actually conjugating two lists here, both of which are built by the foreach loop from the list defined by host-util-bin in

The first list takes each element of host-util-bin and appends -objs to it, this will be important later when we look at ectool.c code. The second list prepends util/ and appends .c. This gives us a list of source files to build executables out of and allows to define targets for building their dependencies. We can have a look at what the sorted loop looks like by adding $(info ${host-srcs}) to the $(host-utils): make block and the output should look something a little like this:

util/comm-dev.c util/comm-host.c util/comm-i2c.c util/comm-lpc.c util/ec_flash.c util/ec_panicinfo.c util/ectool.c util/ectool_keyscan.c util/lock/android.c util/lock/file_lock.c util/lock/gec_lock.c util/misc_util.c util/comm-dev.c util/comm-host.c util/comm-i2c.c util/comm-lpc.c util/lbplay.c util/lock/android.c util/lock/file_lock.c util/lock/gec_lock.c util/misc_util.c util/stm32mon.c util/comm-dev.c util/comm-host.c util/comm-i2c.c util/comm-lpc.c util/ec_sb_firmware_update.c util/lock/android.c util/lock/file_lock.c util/lock/gec_lock.c util/misc_util.c util/powerd_lock.c util/lbcc.c util/ec_panicinfo.c util/ec_parse_panicinfo.c

utils-art builds a shared library, convinient since I want a library containing all the things that ectool calls into to change fan speeds (will mention code exploration later); here we call build-art which simply adds the build destination to all objects defined in build-util-art:

$(foreach u,$(build-util-art),$(out)/$(u))

The interesting things happen in, we define how to build (in $out) here:

$(out)/util/ $(out)/util/export_taskinfo_ro.o \
$(call quiet,link_taskinfo,BUILDLD)

The other two .o files are defined on the following lines, but the $(call is interesting. link_taskinfo can be found in Makefiles.rules again, I can’t remember the process I went through to find how call works so will have to update this post later. It will however call into cmd_link_taskinfo in Makefiles.rules:

cmd_link_taskinfo = $(BUILDCC) $(BUILD_CFLAGS) --shared -fPIC $^ \
	$(BUILD_LDFLAGS) -flto -o $@

This gives us a shared library (.so). We’ll have to write our own “cmd” to build static libraries, but for now this is enough to experiment and see if we can build something that will let us call into ec and control the fan.

Code exploration

I’ve had my vegitables, time for the meat; we start at ectool.c. It has the contents of its -h output at the top, setting fan speed is handled by the fanduty param, and we can see which functions map to which cli args in the command struct

/* NULL-terminated list of commands */
const struct command commands[] = {
{"autofanctrl", cmd_thermal_auto_fan_ctrl},
{"fanduty", cmd_fanduty},

Looking through cmd_fanduty() tells us to be aware of a few considerations:

int cmdver = 1;

if (!ec_cmd_version_supported(EC_CMD_PWM_SET_FAN_DUTY, cmdver)) {

There are different ec command versions, maybe this is to support other boards or maybe it also relates to different revisions of the same board. I will need to research this a little bit to see if it impacts samus - our chromebook board name. Also we can see that this utilitiy supports setting the speed of multiple fans

num_fans = get_num_fans();

Eventually the magic is called here:

rv = ec_command(EC_CMD_PWM_SET_FAN_DUTY, cmdver,
        &p_v0, sizeof(p_v0), NULL, 0);

This function is defined above and calls an extern function - so that we can link different implementation depending on board hardware I guess

int (*ec_command_proto)(int command, int version,
			const void *outdata, int outsize,
			void *indata, int insize);

int ec_command(int command, int version,
	       const void *outdata, int outsize,
	       void *indata, int insize)
	/* Offset command code to support sub-devices */
	return ec_command_proto(command_offset + command, version,
				outdata, outsize,
				indata, insize);

A little grep gives interesting results:

> grep ec_command_proto * -R
comm-dev.c:		ec_command_proto = ec_command_dev_v2;
comm-dev.c:		ec_command_proto = ec_command_dev;
comm-host.c:int (*ec_command_proto)(int command, int version,
comm-host.c:	return ec_command_proto(command_offset + command, version,
comm-host.h: * ec_command_proto().
comm-host.h:extern int (*ec_command_proto)(int command, int version,
comm-i2c.c:	ec_command_proto = ec_command_i2c;
comm-lpc.c:		ec_command_proto = ec_command_lpc_3;
comm-lpc.c:		ec_command_proto = ec_command_lpc;

Looks like comm-dev.c is doing some magic, along with comm-i2c.c and comm-lpc.c. I don’t know which of these is actually doing the work when running on my Chromebook. All three are listen in the comm-objs var, which is appended to ectool-objs, which is going to be part of build-srcs due to that foreach loop mentioned above. So we know these will always be built regardless of platform. Lets investigate comm-dev.c because it was listen first; grep output may already be sheding some potential light on this cmdver thing:

if (ec_dev_is_v2()) {
    ec_command_proto = ec_command_dev_v2;
    ec_cmd_readmem = ec_readmem_dev_v2;
} else {
    ec_command_proto = ec_command_dev;
    ec_cmd_readmem = ec_readmem_dev;

I dont know which one it will be for my board and the decision is made at runtime, I will need to explore this later with radare2. Looking over ec_command_dev2(), just because it’s the first one, we can see that in the end it’s just an ioctl call

memcpy(s_cmd->data, outdata, outsize);

r = ioctl(fd, CROS_EC_DEV_IOCXCMD_V2, s_cmd);

I can’t say this is surprising, but it is a nice result since theoretically that means I don’t actually need much in the way of dependencies for my little daemon - I can make ioctl calls too! Incidentally ec_command_dev() is nothing surprising either

r = ioctl(fd, CROS_EC_DEV_IOCXCMD, &s_cmd);

Interesting though is that s_cmd here passed by reference than by value. I thought it was a bug until I realised that in ec_command_dev() s_cmd is declared as:

struct cros_ec_command s_cmd;

And in ec_command_dev2 its

struct cros_ec_command_v2 *s_cmd;

Well at least it made me familiarise myself with the man page for ioctl again. Next up is comm-i2c; here things are made simpler by

ec_command_proto = ec_command_i2c;

Here we do a bunch of house keeping but the code comments get the point tersely across:

/* send command to EC and read answer */
ret = ioctl(i2c_fd, I2C_RDWR, &data);

A bit more complex, but still an ioctl.

Finally comm-lpc.c is a bit different. I think it might be bitblasting, but I dont really want to spend too much time on code right now, there is a more important question that I brushed over which I will have to answer now - which one of these implementation functions actually gets called (remember we just have ec_command_proto() everywhere else), and who does the linking? Truthfully I think the first time I looked over this I went into the deep end and found the answer in the build system (I think board.h in board/samus/ provides the clue, but no longer can I remember). It’s probable that we will have to revisit this topic when we start implemention, but for now - for this post - it will suffice…

Part II »>

It is at this point that I realise that these theme isn’t great for technical posts, but I will try to tweak it…