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tags: ctempd chromebook engineering log

Dell Chromebook fan control - Part III: CMake

Round Three. Fight!

I feel like I’m finally unblocked on writing ctempd. I cant get the ec build system to give me a nice library to link against, but I can get it to build a bunch of .o files for me and link against them directly. This is the simplest approach and I think it will do just well for now. I can always make my own library layer that is linked against these and built into a static library or something; alternatively I might revisit this problem again in the future and see what the cleanest approach is. But for now I’m happy to just get to writing some original code :)


So first thing’s first, we need to set up a basic CMake project and structure (it is at this point that I tried to evaluate a few build systems for C++, but maybe I will write about this in a future blog post).

Our initial directory structure will be something like this:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
└── thirdpart
    ├── ec
    ├── ecConfig.cmake
    └── ec.patch

No separate header “include” directory - as I dont need it yet.

The ec directory can be a submodule or a subtree, containing the ec code. The difference really comes down to how we want to have our ec changes applied; we can either extract them into a .patch and apply them using CONFIGURE_COMMAND in ecConfig.cmake, or we can apply them directly to the code, which we will commit with our repository. On upstream updates we would either pull in the new submodule and our patch would be applied each time we build from clean, or we would rebase our subtree. I have purposely kept my changes small in the previous posts because I intend to use a submodule & patch, however I may consider going to a subtree if I feel like it would make the workflow cleaner.

Our top level CMakeLists.txt only needs to define some project globals and where cmake should look for the rest of the code

find_package(ec PATHS thirdparty thirdparty/ec NO_DEFAULT_PATH)

Define an external project in ecConfig.cmake; this is where all our hard work from the past two posts will go:

    CONFIGURE_COMMAND  patch -p0 < ../ec.patch
    BUILD_COMMAND make BOARD=samus -j9
    INSTALL_COMMAND cmake -E echo "Skipping install step."

You’ll notice we’re already including out patch file here in the CONFIGURE_COMMAND - ec.patch. More on to this later.

We will need to tell cmake where it can find our built files, so we finish off ecConfig.cmake with the following:

ExternalProject_Get_Property(ectool source_dir)

set(EC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${source_dir} ${source_dir}/include ${source_dir}/util
                    ${source_dir}/chip/lm4/ ${source_dir}/board/samus

file(GLOB ec_objs ${source_dir}/build/samus/RW/util/
add_library(ec SHARED IMPORTED ${ec_objs})

set_target_properties(ec PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C 
    IMPORTED_LOCATION ${source_dir}/build/samus/util/


It’s been a while since I have returned to this project. In the mean time I moved my main system to Gentoo and have reinstalled Arch on my chromebook. The reinstall has caused some issues as the ectool-samus-git aur package no longer builds, it’s easy to get going though. The PKGBUILD still has the -j5 flag in it as I have forgotten to submit a PR to fix that xD but now there is more reason to do so: the arm gcc toolchain install directories have changed on arch and the ectool build system stil has hardcoded paths; as you can see here:

% grep "arm-eabi" * -R                                                                                    
board/fluffy/	/opt/coreboot-sdk/bin/arm-eabi-)
core/cortex-m/	/opt/coreboot-sdk/bin/arm-eabi-)
core/cortex-m0/	/opt/coreboot-sdk/bin/arm-eabi-)
Makefile.rules:	@echo "  make BOARD=reef CROSS_COMPILE_arm='arm-eabi-'"

The result of this is something like following error when trying to build (I disable ccache here so we have /bin/sh instead):

/bin/sh: /opt/coreboot-sdk/bin/arm-eabi-objcopy: No such file or directory

However docs/ does have a nice snippet that basically solves this problem HOSTCC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc make BOARD=$board - so all we need to do is to pass our own HOSTCC environment variable to make. We can test this by simply running (set -j flags to your pleasure):

HOSTCC=arm-none-eabi-gcc make BOARD=samus

That’s… All?

As I said, I took a while to move my main system off of Arch and onto Gentoo (I wanted ZFS on root without creating a custom arch install iso) so that has ended up taking a fair bit of my life; and probably it will take more of my life still as I moved to testing, the current ZFS kernel module does not support 5.2.x kernels, and for whatever reason my nvidia module refuses to work (well, we all know the reason).

Rather than sitting on this post for any longer (Most of the above has been written on the 5th October!), I decided to publish it as it is and simple have a part IV later :)

Ciao! Grazie!